University Service
- Chairman, Graduate Studies Committee, Electrical Engineering Department, 1985-1992.
- Chairman, Irma Runyon Chair Committee, Electrical Engineering Department
- Member Graduate Instruction Committee, College of Engineering, 1985-1992.
- Chairman, Tenure & Promotion Committee, Electrical Engineering Department — Two times
- Associate Head, Electrical Engineering Department, 1986-1992.
- Member, College Level Tenure and Promotion Committee.
- Member, Manufacturing Chair Committee, Department of Industrial Engineering 1988-1989.
- Member, EE Dept. Head Search Committee, 1990-1992.
- Awards Committee, College of Engineering, 1990.
- Chairman, Awards Committee, Electrical Engineering Department, 1990.
- Member, Microelectronics Chair Committee, Electrical Engineering Department, 1987-1990.
- Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Electrical Engineering Department, 1984-1989, 1992-1994.
- Member, Council of Principal Investigators, 1992-1993.
- Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Industrial Engineering Dept., 1994.
- Member, Distinguished Speakers Committee, 1996-97.
- Member, Association of Former Students Awards Committee
- Chair, Industrial Engineering Head Search Committee, 2000-2001, 2002-2003.
- Co-Chair, Computer Engineering Coordination Committee, 2003-2005
- Chair ECE Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2006,2007
- Member, College of Engineering Tenure and Promotion Committee,2006,2007
- Member, ECE Awards Committee,2006
- Member Chairs Appointment Committee, COE, 2016-2017
- Member Faculty Advisory Committee, ECE,2017-2018
- Member Tenure and promotion Committee ECE 2018-2019.
Professional Service
- Book Publishers
- IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus & Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability
- IEE Proceedings
- Inter-Ram Conference
- International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
- National Research Council of Canada
- National Science Foundation
- Power Industry Computer Applications Conference
- Power Systems Computation Conference
- Zeitschrift fur Operations Research
Session and Panel Chairman/Organizer:
- Power System Reliability Modeling, 1980, Modeling and Simulation Conference, Pittsburgh.
- Power System Reliability Evaluation, 1982, IEEE/PES Winter Power Meeting.
- RAM Analysis Applied to System Planning, 12th InterRAM Conference, 1985.
- Software and Modeling for RAM, Thirteenth Inter-RAM Conference, 1986.
- Protection Systems and the Reliability of Power Systems, Panel Session, 1988 Winter Power Meeting, New York.
- Space Reliability, 1990 ISRM, Tokyo, JAPAN.
- Invited to Chair, “Reliability, Sensitivity and Uncertainty,” 12th PSCC Conference, Dresden, 1991.
- System Reliability Computations, 1992 Summer Power Meeting, Seattle, 1992.
- Session Chair at 1993 Athens Power Tech, Athens, Greece, 1993.
- Session Chair at ICPST’94, Beijing, China, 1994.
- Invited to participate in panel on Power Education in the Changing Industry Environment, American Power Conference, 1996.
- Invited to participate in panel “Future Needs for Intelligent Systems in the Changing Utility Environment,” ISAP Conference, 1996.
- Session Chair, System Reliability Assessment, Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001
Invited Lectures/Short Courses:
- Invited to talk to the Society of Reliability Engineers, Toronto Chapter, 1978.
- “Power System Reliability Evaluation”, American Society for Quality Control, 36th Annual Quality Congress, Detroit, May 1982.
- “Advanced Power System Reliability”, a 5-day short course, July 18 – July 22, 1983, given at Pontificia Universidad Catholica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the invitation of ELETROBRAS. The course was attended by University professors, graduate students and power system engineers from all across Brazil.
- Invited to deliver a special lecture, “Power System Reliability: A Status Report” at The National Systems Conference Sept. 1983, at Vikram Sarabhai Space Center, Trivandrum India.
- “Power System Reliability”, a 2-day short course, 1985, at Saskatchewan Power Corporation, Regina, Canada.
- “Power System Reliability Evaluation,” a 5-day short course, 1986, at ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
- ‘Power System Reliability”, an eight day short course, 1987, at University of Bari, Italy.
- “Analytical Models for Generation Reliability”, Lecture, 1987, Yugoslavia.
- “Generation System Reliability”, 2-day seminar, 1988, at MAPP, Minneapolis.
- Invited lecturer at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
- “Reliability in Design,” Seoul, Korea, 1989.
- “Bulk Power Reliability,” Tutorial at 1990 Winter Power Meeting.
- “Bulk Power Reliability,” Tutorial at 1990 Summer Power Meeting.
- “Multi-Node Reliability Evaluations,” July 1991, NSF Workshop on Uncertainty in Power Systems, University of Oklahoma.
- “Multi-Area Reliability Using NARP,” Tutorial for ERCOT, Feb. 1992.
- “Generation System Reliability,” A two-day short course to Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg, Canada, June 1992.
- “Power System Reliability,” Short course to engineers from Korea Electric Power Company.
- “Power System Reliability,” one day short course sponsored by the IEEE Delhi, India Section, Jan. 9, 1993.
- “Distribution System Reliability,” A half day short course to Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, India, Jan. 1993.
- “Reliability of Interconnected Power Systems,” A half day short course to the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Jan 1993.
- “Power System Reliability,” A half day short course to Taiwan Power Corporation, Taiwan, March 1993.
- “Power System Reliability Issues,” ABB, TTI, Raleigh, NC, May 1993.
- “Methods for Detection of Equipment Aging and Incorporation it in the Reliability Analysis,” S. Asgarpoor, NSF Symposium on Power Systems Infrastructure, Pullman, Washington, Oct. 27-29, 1994.
- “Power System Reliability,” A five day short course to ESKOM, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1995.
- “Substations Reliability,” Short course to engineers of Korea Electric Power Company, 1995.
- Invited to participate in Vice-President (Al Gore) Symposium on the Power Systems for Next Generation of Vehicle, held in the White House Conference Center, Washington, DC, 1996.
- Invited to participate in the workshop, “AI Techniques Applied to Electrical Distribution Systems,” Indian Institute of Tech, Kanpur, India, December 1996.
- Invited lecture, “Some Non-traditional Approaches to Accelerating the Monte Carlo Simulation for the Reliability Evaluation of Electric Power Systems”, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, December, 2000.
- Invited lecture, “Impact of Deregulation on Power System Reliability “, Frontiers of Power Conference, Oklahoma State University, October, 2001
- Invited lecture, “Impact of Restructuring on Power System Reliability”, Grainger Distinguished Lecture, University of Washington, Seattle, May 3, 2002.
- Invited tutorial, “Power Quality and Reliability”, IICPE 2004, Bombay, India
- Invited keynote, Exploring Intelligent System Methodologies in Power System reliability Analysis”, National Power Systems Conference, 2004, Chennai, India.
- Invited lecture, “Current Research Topics”, Korea Power Systems Reliability Research Center’s Retreat, 2005, Jeju Island,Korea
- Invited lecture, “Restructuring Of Power Industry: Present & Future Issues And Implications For Reliability”, Korea Power Systems Reliability Research Center’s Retreat, 2005, Jeju Island, Korea
- Invited lecture, “Restructuring Of Power Industry: Present & Future Issues And Implications For Reliability”, KPX (Korea Power Exchange), 2005, Seoul,,Korea
- “Short Tutorial on Power Systems Reliability”, Hanyang University & Korea University, 2005, Seoul, Korea.
- Invited 4 day short course,” Power System Reliability Analysis”, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, January 2006.
- Invited half day tutorial at IEEE Power Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May, 2006.
- Invited half day tutorial at IIT Delhi, Power System Reliability Evaluation Using Monte Carlo Methods, IIT Delhi, Dec 2006
- Invited plenary talk, Multidisciplinary Planning and Operation of Power Systems including Renewable Energy Sources, NPSC-2006, IIT Roorkee, India.
- Inivited talk, More Graduates and higher Quality through Curriculum Redesign, TETC Best Practices Conference, March 2007, Austin.
Other Activities:
- Architect of the NSF 96-103 “Innovative Power Engineering Education in a Changing Environment”. This is a special initiative that I created and was jointly sponsored by NSF & EPRI. Its objectives were to build partnerships between the industry and universities in the area of power engineering education, to identify the profile of power system engineers for the 21st century and develop enablers and methods for achieving this profile. The overall objective was to facilitate the transition of power engineering education into the next century.
- Invited to be external examiner of Ph.D. candidates at the University of Toronto, Canada, the University of Roorkee, India, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology and Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
- Appointed Co-Promoter of S. Fockens, a doctoral student of the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. I guided the research of this student but he got his PhD from his university.
- Under United Nations Development Program, spent 4 weeks (Dec. 1992-Jan. 1993) with Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi; Indian Institute of Science, Banglore India; Northern Regional Electrical Board, India; and Center Power Research Institute, Banglore India, giving advice on power system reliability.